You might have read somewhere that certain foods can make you look more fresh and younger. I also find it true to some extent, only if they are the part of your daily routine and in this hot summer, I can help you out by sharing some thoughts with you, which can also defeat with your age and make you feel best.
Water – It has been founded that in 80% cases, when you feel that you are hungry, it’s the thirst for which you are craving. Drinking enough water can help you in weight loss as well as making your skin stimulating. Different individuals have different needs, but in general it is highly recommended from 48 to 64 ounce per day.
Sleep – Proper and adequate sleep is highly advised, lack in sleep can be the cause for early aging and weight gain. As per a study, sleep deprival can exaggerate
hunger hormones, which in turn leads to craving for more sweets. Right amount of sleep depends upon your body and lifestyle, though 7-hour sleep for everyone is acclaimed.
Beat stress – Exercise will be really helpful in burning calories and relieving out stress. Along with exercise, yoga can also help you out in beating stress and make you more flexible.
Deep breathing – When it really comes to fight with anger and anxiety, proper deep breathing can make a difference and also acts as stress reliever.
Fatty fish – Fatty fish like salmon is comprised with omega 3 fatty acids that is good for improvising your cardiovascular system, skin refinement and reducing your stress level.
Be positive – An average person has approx. 60,000 thoughts per day and if majority of the thoughts are negative, it can affect your body by creating more stress, worried lines, wrinkles etc. According to research, a person with positive thoughts and smiling face raises the endorphins in human body and make you appeal younger and energetic.
I understand, it’s a bit difficult but my dear readers make first an effort and see what happens. All the best and try to have more and more positive people around you.
It's a good one. We must always follow certain standards to take care of themselves. As always said a healthy bodies is to healthy mind. To cope up with the pressure and competitive environment one must follow all this. I completly agree and advice to follow.
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