Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Is recession affecting Indian gaming business?

Now days, recession is like a jargon, which has infringed into almost every industry spread all across the globe. As far as the gaming industry is involved, from a global frame of reference, different individuals have different views. According to positive thinkers, video games are low cost full entertainment thrust whereas negative peoples believe in this fact that no industry is insusceptible with the effects of recession and video games are the things that are purchased in very small quantities.

2008 year is a stellar year in the Indian gaming industry. Since last year, gaming spread ness has gone up in a major way. Microsoft and Sony have done a good work in promoting gaming consoles with TV ads, offers and price cuts. As per Atindriya Bose of Sony computer entertainment Europe limited, Indian gaming industry is in a flowering stage, thus not the best candidature for reviewing the effect of recession on it. Still, there is healthy growth number in sales of games and consoles in the Indian market.

Ex GM, Ajay Khanna, Electronics art limited, commenced that globally the more interactive gaming industry in India is comparatively less affected as compared to its traditional analogues. In accordance of COO of Zapak, Rohit Sharma, The Indian gaming industry is recession free and people might lower down their expenses in movie fares and other entertainment activities, but not movies. In a nutshell, lot of tremendous growth is there in this developing gaming industry and recession and other economic factors do not tend to affect them.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Discard Smoking to keep Cancer at nook

Still after having innumerable exemplary from social groups, doctors and Union health minister Anbumani Ramadoss, tobacco is the top-notch reason causing oral Cancer. In India, approx. 7 lakh people are facing oral, head and neck cancer and mostly 80% of them are deceased with it. On an average, rise by 30% has been determined in cancer cases each year. Mainly this accredits to changing lifestyle and habits of individuals.

In accordance with a Cancer Specialist, Cancer can be cured if it is diagnosed in primary stages. Even the patient can lead a normal life after the treatment. Some symptoms occurring in case of oral, throat and head cancer are prolonged cough, throat pain, changing of voice etc. Individuals should be aware of these symptoms and must cooperate with doctors to analyze the condition. Apart from tobacco and gutka, passive smoking, alcohol, banned Narcotics, unsafe sex, hookah smoking and cellphone radiations are also the causes, which exaggerate this condition.

Government has also implied different schemes focusing on bearing the expenses of Cancer patients. “Tobacco is an evil, that kills”. Spread this message among more and more peoples, especially youths. Wake up and feel the danger of an unhealthy lifestyle. Most of the Cancer patients belong to the age group of 40-60 years. Comparing Cancer rate in India with western countries, Indian peoples are more affected by tobacco due to poor immunity levels and bad socio economic conditions.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

New IT mantra – “Go Green”

Several IT companies have renewed their pledge to preserve environment and save energy. Green term is pacing up speedily in corporate sector and celebration of Earth day also adds up a sparkle to this occasion. Considered as a good business strategy, as per the energy and utility head of IBM, approx. 18% of companies are conducting greenness and approx. 30% are expected to do this in the coming future. As per study, green data center has cut down its operational cost by half. Virtualization technique increases the utilization of resources by approx. 30 to 40% and lowers the costs related with power, cooling and hardware approx. by 30 to 70%. Besides this, a virtual server also reduces the carbon dioxide levels substantially.

IBM company has promised $1 billion to the Big Green Innovation initiative catapulted in year 2007. This project mainly assists on water management, carbon management, producing intelligent energy through smart grids and computational modeling. Considering globally, the major objective of companies is to chop carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 54 million tonnes a year and cut energy costs by $5.5 billion by 2010. In pursuit of this, as per Sonia Srivastava director of corporate affairs Intel, information & communications technology (ICT) industry has guaranteed to cut back its carbon footprint by 40 lakh tonnes a year and save more than Rs 2,250 crore in energy costs.

In this cause, Cisco has also commenced a technology, which makes it possible to reduce carbon dissipations by organizing energy consumption of devices on the network while they are not in usage. Recently, India’s third largest company has signed an agreement with WWF to coordinate in different areas of sustainability such as application of IT solutions to ecology sustainability. Likely, HCL Technologies Infrastructure Services Division (HCLT ISD) has also established a Green Data centre solution on this Earth Day. On the other hand, some companies are aiming on energy conservation and e-waste. Employees are being applauded more to save energy costs by switching off air conditioners and lights, when not in usage. More enthusiasm has also been shown to make more usage of car pools. These are some of the tricks, adopted by several IT companies to create greener environment.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

(3R’s)- Reduce, reuse and recycle to save Earth

In Nagpur, at Raman science center, a test has been conducted to check the general knowledge of common peoples as a part of earth day celebrations. Out of approx. 70 adults, almost everyone has secured 50% marks that was above the expectations of center persons as the test was quite difficult, technical and comprise questions based on green house effect, ecology, climatic change etc. Teachers are but obvious expected to know the basics of these subjects, but the general public awareness is astounding. The level of understanding is remarkable.

Along with adults, even students are highly knowledgeable about the topics given to them, right from drawing competition to the general science knowledge. Students studying in primary level and higher secondary level, acknowledged great about the impact of climatic change on earth resources and related queries that were aroused by senior scientist, deputy director and NEERI (National environmental engineering research institute). The institute has also given detail description about the preventive measures, which can help in examining the global warning through endurable environment. Besides this, an NGO working for environment protection in Nagpur has put together an exhibition on several topics related to Earth, its resources and ways to conserve them.

Monday, April 20, 2009

!! Celebrities promoting humanitarian convictions

Several movie stars, models and musicians all across the world are commanding media’s attention, while promoting charity for environmental and merciful causes. Some most famous amongst them are Angelina Jolie, Bono, Leonardo Di Caprio. Since several years, songwriters and singers were trying to draw attention towards poverty and famine in Africa.

Leonardo Di Caprio major focus lays on climatic change. He commented, watching the cultural understanding of the issue now is, in itself, encouraging. Baroness Caroline Cox, a member of the House of Lords has spent years in traveling to raise awareness of the poor and oppressed in countries like Burma, Uganda and East Timor. She said, "I know with our little organization what a huge difference we can make with a little bit of money. I'd like to know where the big budgets go."

Late last years, Actor Ben Affleck put together a campaign film for the U.N. about the refugee crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Actress Mia Farrow has become a career celebrity diplomat who even traveled to refugee camps in Sudan more than a dozen times and told VOA in 2007 the situation there was reckless.

After the number one hit famous 1985 song, ‘We are the world’, several celebrities are working to help the needy and necessitous persons. Though as per U.N children fund UNICEF, poverty still sources the deaths of up to 30,000 children per day.

An event is occurring to raise awareness on HIV/AIDS at Wednesday, 22 April, DACC

The event is especially taking place on coming Wednesday for spreading awareness among youths. Danville area community college is sponsoring for an annual event to increase awareness of this incurable disease. As per the vice chairwoman of the Vermilion County AIDS Task Force, the message which is going to be spread through this event is very important and plays a vital role in the young people’s life. Caseworkers from the Champaign-Urbana Public Health Department who have worked closely with HIV or AIDS patients and Women’s care clinic will be the representatives in the event. The organizers are targeting people of age between 15 to 25 years.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Global companies set to hold up salaries, this year 2009..

A large quad of world’s companies planned to freeze salary this year, though South America and Indian employees can expect hefty rises, as per a global survey. According to this, employees of Ireland, Lithuania and Japan will behold least pay rises. As compared to previous year 2008(6.2% decrease), there will be an average increase in salaries by 4.7% this year 2009. Since last September, there is an economic revolution, due to which many firms have revised their co-workers salary, better as per predictions. On the contrary, companies situated in Venezuela, are set to pay the biggest amount of rise in salaries by 24%, followed by Argentina set to have increase by 12%.

Employees in Chile and Brazil could also expect higher pay hikes as compared to last year 2008. Indians can expect on an average 10.8% increase in pay along with some other countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, Latin America etc. due to rise in inflation. Pay hikes in Indonesia and Vietnam will be by 9 and 10.6% respectively. About one third portion of companies, located at Asia pacific region will suspend salaries, according to the study. Along with this, about 29% of European companies have also planned to peg incomes this year. In this year 2009, top 10 countries that will face rise in salaries are Venezuela, Argentina, India, Vietnam, Egypt, Indonesia, Russia, Romania, South Africa and Latvia. On the other hand, 10 countries that will freeze salaries are Hong Kong, Singapore, France, Taiwan, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, Irish Republic and Lithuania.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What to do when someone forces you to take out money from ATM machine?

If this is the situation, don’t panic and just enter the pin code in reversed form. For example, if your number is 1234, enter it 4321. The machine will fetch your money and side by side automatically creates an appeal for help and will alert police, which is all unknown to the third person or thief. This facility is available in all ATM machines; hence try to spread this information to more and more people.